Re: To Cass
Thanks for the great detail. I have been going back and trying to read everyone's
experience to see how the protocol has helped them. Also to see if anyone has the
terrible itching that I've been enduring. I guess I missed your experience.
I tried the footbaths but my itching has been mainly on my upper body so I got zero relief. But AHHHH the baths are wonderful. The one I took before I read all of the instructions about the cold shower afterwards did make me feel extremely lethargic
but since doing the cold, I'm exhilarated and thank goodness my itching is getting
much better.
Now I am having these horrible red angry bumps come up on various parts of my anatomy. The first was on my breast but is now almost history. One on the inside of my thigh, but the worst is a line of 4 which looking as if they are joining forces to make one large one behind my arm pit. there are others but they are not painful
like the others. I know these are only signs of healing which has really excited me!! (except for the pain)
I can't wait until I hve my thyroid levels checked the end of the year to see
how they look.
Here's to better health for all of us!!