Re: 4 Year old w/Acute Constipation
I feel the need to state that the reason we've been seeing doctors for the past 2 years about my son's weight is that it had nothing to do with food. My son does not eat or drink any food containing refined sugar, we do not eat red meat or pork, and he does not eat large amounts of bread. My son's daily diet consists of fruit and vegetables, chicken and fish, lentils and legumes. He eats cereal or yogurt containing active cultures for breakfast and we sprinkle wheat germ on his yogurt. He (daily) consumes wheat grass with me, and nothing has helped his weight and apparently, the newest problem of consitpation. I was told the the only solution to the problem was NO dairy, and laxatives. My son does not consume much dairy to begin with, and I am leery of laxatives (I don't want him to become dependent). My concerns lie with the fact that I was told this contributed to his weight, bedwetting and
Body Odor , as well as his frequent skin rashes. I just wanted to make sure that they weren't booting me out the door with a plausible explanation for my son, and not looking any further for causes of these problems. Thank you.