Re: Fishy, yes. Relevant, no.
*Long opinionated (not attitudial) post about fat, calcium stones, and stuff.
I need to post here about my first experience, so this will be a double post, after I find the appropriate place to post that. But, in response to the epsoms making you run so fast your body skips the regular "form" of bowel".. I did my first cleanse the other week.... and skipped the epsom, and most of the lemon... (I am a horrible cook as I never follow instructions)... and the next day did not have a bowel til much later in the day... but, when I did.. solid and all (embarrasing info to share, you know... but, I looked because everyone else has too)... and, in there were green specks... and although I didn't count, because of the nature of the form...and not wanting to spend too much time in the bathroom.... I did get the gloves on, and poke out a "speck or two".. to find there were a few pea sized and bigger "balls" (not all perfectly round) hidden in there...
So, even with a "properly formed" bowel.. whatever these things may be.. they existed on their own, in this case, anyway...
Wierd... the only things I have wondered is what happens to all the fat we just drank... if a fatty diet causes these things... how can that fat (that miht've helped) not turn around and then harm us... like we just helped ourselves, but turned around screwed ourselves in the same breath by replacing all that fat....
And Or, are these things.. well, if the stones are really stones inside of us from the start (to this debate if they are just created)... perhaps we do have hundreds.. perhaps we have hundreds at any given time.. because the body creates them.. and then perhaps assimulates them... and creates and assimulates them.. perhaps some don't assimulate properly, and calcify... and cause problems.. but, perhaps the ones we have aren't bad.. because they belong there.. perhaps its not bad to get rid of them either.. but, its not bad to have them, either.. and thats how we get hundreds each time.. because our body is constantly making them (and assimulating the old ones, but thats how we can hold so many, yet constantly have more)...
(For the assimulation theory... kinda like our hair usually only grows so long.. eyebrows, regular hair, etc.. to where it gets to a limit, then falls out, but new hars grow... we don't get bald just because our hair had a cycle.. but it does cycle... .. perhaps we do have so many stones.. perhaps they aren't really so bad... though, and we can have so many because the body is constantly creating and assimulating/destroying them... or perhaps they themselves serve some purpose... ).
I don't necessarily believe what I said above.. its just a PERHAPS in response to how we can carry so many....
My 3rd commentary was about the fat creating actual real stones... and this is only a belief.. I believe for this individual that the fat was bad for them... and probably one of the exceptions to the rule as far as noticeable negativity... For most people it seems this, if not HELPS has atleast no negative effect....BUT, if the "true" stones in anyones gall bladder are calcified and need an x-ray or ultrasound to be seen.. I would guess.. not by any medical knowledge though.. that they did not get created overnight... like fossils, I am thinking, these would take time be be created.... and back to the assimulation thing.. and having so many... I think the calcified stones are NOT the norm... and thats an exception to the rule (the rule I'm making up now, that the body does create these green stones, and does in a process thats normal... and is usually fine dealing with them...).. I just don't think the STONES were created overnight... although I am sorry to hear this cleanse brought on the pain from them.....
In an experimental sense... I would be curious, if this person could do another cleanse (don't.. I'm not suggesting it.. or being so insensitive)...and another and another... in a scientific
sense f curiosity, would the problemthat was created be resolved.. meaning.. perhaps if these stones exisited already... and moved to a place that hurts now.. if the cleanse really works.. perhaps over time. a series of cleanses would get these to come out..(some people said they were in pain before they cleansed.. and turned to the cleanse to avoid a gall bladder removal.. and itworked for them.. or atleast stopped the pain, if not really removed the stones.... and thats why I say I wonder)... but, thats just "wondering" and not really something we'll find the answer to.. nor should.. as I wouldn't recommend skipping the doc on this one...