ashley is still impacted, but I was able to remove about a pound of the blockage.
also is the knee chest position the best for this? i've been using it because her anus stays open in that position which makes disimpaction easier.
also, catelyn has started soiling her clothes recently and I was wondering if this could be a side effect of the colonoscopy she recieved last month
although she appears to have good sphincter tone, and her anus is closed tight in either enema position
she is usually very retentive and goes 5-9 days without a bm
besidess the leakage, she won't go #2 without an enema to make her go
also the reason ashley became impacted is that the doctor had her on anti diahrea medicine to help with the soiling problem. because she has only 35% of normal sphincter function due to an injury when she was 2, and the cumulative effect of colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies, manual disimpactions, and barium enemas.