Re: Would you vote republican if...
Would I? I
have voted Republican.
The ideals promoted by Republicans are a refreshing change from Democrats.
There are many things about the Republican platform that are worthwhile. Small government, reduction of government interference, lower taxes, etc., are all worthwhile.
Problem is, they're all lies. The actions of the Republicans, especially following the "election" of Herr Bush, demonstrated that fully.
Like most politicians, they tell you what you want to hear to get your vote, then betray you when it's convenient to do so.
And, worse, there are elements of the Republican platform which are not so appealing. Republicans are mostly in favor of reducing government interference
of corporations, not of people. They're for corporate "rights", not for human rights. Democrats are more for human rights, except when it actually counts for something.
They all, and the figures that pull the strings and pay the bills and buy them, all need to be stripped of power. I can count on one hand the number of legislators in DC who actually care about people and not their own power, which means they're outnumbered over 100:1.