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My Family's HUMAWORM Testimony
Hey R.G.,I promised you I would post how my family did with your wonderful product so here it is.My 23yr old son-He has had severe acne outbreaks on his back since he was in his early teens.The acne is now gone.A few days into using HUMAWORM he had a welt-like rash to come up over the lower part of his back.He said it felt just like a welt also.While this was going on he noticed that his urine started to look orange as well.This went on for just a few days then cleared up.Then about 2 weeks later his urine went to an orange color again,lasting just briefly and did not come back anymore.The rash did not happen the second time.My son is a 6 footer and has always been as skinny as a bean pole.Now,he is about to eat me out of house and home,lol!He has also picked up 5-6lbs.Another thing is his personality seems so much lighter.He's always had a good disposition but he does not seem to stress so much now.My 6yr old son-I believe he has benefitted from the cleanse as well.A couple of years ago he came down with a stomach virus.After he got over that virus his bowel movements never did seem to be normal.He also seemed to catch stomach viruses easier from then on out too.Since the HUMAWORM his BM's have thankfully returned to normal.My 5yr old daughter-She had pinworms.These were eliminated just a few days into cleansing.Sorry for being so graphic but she also passed alot of dark-green mucous looking stuff about 3 weeks into the cleanse.Since then I have noticed her bowel movements seem to be improved too.Now for my husband-The best way I could possibly describe his personality is very temperamental.The 2 TV characters that I use to describe his personality is a combination of a little bit like Archie Bunker from All In The Family and mostly Ralph Kramden from The Honeymooners.Bless his heart he can get in a tailspin over something in no time at all.But basically he is a sweetheart and would do anything to help another person.Since using the HUMAWORM he seems somewhat calmer and seems to be sleeping better at night.He did confess to me that he did see some liver flukes during the cleanse.Now for me-I did go through a few days off and on of die-off where it was mostly just a case of the BLAHS but nothing I could not handle.I noticed the die-off would start a few days just before I would see parasites.I believe my body responded in some sort of cycle to HUMAWORM.After the second day of dosage I saw a whole lot of something that I still cannot figure out what it was.I did not see anything else until my second week into treatment,then I saw countless liver flukes.I thought that was probably going to be the end of it then 2 days before the end of treatment here came even more liverflukes,some small and quite a few large blackish ones.It was at this time I saw the one thing that sent me reeling.It was an actual 5 or 6 inch worm.It looked flat,kind of like a noodle and one end looked different,kind of burrowed out.Along with this worm I saw several tiny ones too.This gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.The main thing is,its gone!I have respiratory problems and before I started the HUMAWORM I was afraid I was developing pnuemonia again but a few days into treatment my breathing had improved better than it has been since last spring.I feel that I must have a heavy infestation to parasites to see so many leaving during the past month.I have a question I want to ask you about this.I do not know that this has anything to do with the HUMAWORM but about the second week into treatment I could feel something in my throat,sometimes it feels like its on the left,sometimes it feels like its on the right and sometimes nothing.This is very annoying as it makes me cough alot.My throat is not sore and does not seem to be irritated except for what I just told you.Now my question to you is could I have had one of these varmints to have scattered to my throat since some of them can be resistent to some of the best treatments available?If so what could I do to get rid of it until I can start with the HUMAWORM again?Or if this question is funny just laugh about it and I will too,lol!Oh I wanted to tell you more thing.I have always done liver cleansing and I was getting frustrated because I was not seeing anymore results much with them anymore but I knew I still had alot of gallbladder and liver congestion.This weekend I did another liver flush and all I will say is I believe I am back on track to improving my health again!You truly have a jewel of a treatment!You will definitely be hearing from me again!Have a wonderful day!charville :))