Nutrition & Suppliments for Bursitis Recovery
Fellow and lady Bursitis sufferers,
I was recently diagnosed with Bursitis. I hope you find my personal treatment helpful:
“Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!” quote from “Auntie Mame.”
I have learned that the body requires nutrient rich foods and nutrients to thrive. It is poison to eat a quick donut and coffee when the body is starving for steak & eggs. I am on the Paleolithic /complete diet of mostly fat and meat with certain vegetables. It is a nutrient dense diet and has already helped me recover from many 'incurable' diseases. :) Search for "Paleo Diet" in Curezone or "Complete Diet" on the net. For additional support following the diet go to:
I have gotten better using cold packs for inflammation (believe it or not this is advice from my Dr. after I reacted to the Ibuprofen. lol) and will soon be alternating cold and hot packs to increase healing. I do isometric exercises to keep up muscle strength. Otherwise, I do not use my shoulder unless I have to. Slowly the pain is going away but I have lost range of motion. I will start range of motion exercises when I am pain free because I have read that overusing the joint can permanently damage it.
I found the information on the following URL encouraging and helpful. I hope it does the same for you. :)
I am already taking many of the suggested supplements.
My list:
Aloe Vera (1/4 cup daily)
Borage Oil
Fish Oil (Cod Liver Oil for women)
Glucosamine Sulphate
MSM (3 pills 2x daily increasing to 4)
Niacin (250 in the mornings increasing to 500 2 x daily)
Pathotenic Acid (in the form of B50)
Shark Cartilage (4 caps 2x daily)
Site excerpt:
"Human Proof--Cod Liver Oil Can Slow, or Even Reverse, the Onset of Arthritis
Arthritis and Glucosamine Information Center at the
Arthritis & Glucosamine Information Center you'll find top quality information on
Arthritis and Glucosamine, the latest research, details on
Arthritis medications and treatments, and tips for effectively managing
your pain."
Good health to all,