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Re: Couldn't blocked bile flow cause constipation?
Absolutely YES! When the liver ducts are blocked from "stones" and/or parasites, the bile level is reduced. Bile is THE key to good digestion. It breaks down food, kills some types of bacteria and keeps the bowels and colon working properly. In my opinion, the liver is the most complicated, hardest working organ of our bodies. (besides the brain)
It filters ALL "poisons" from our blood - weird food chemicals, alcohol, medications, even bacteria. It also has to produce enough bile DAILY to keep the elimination system flowing. When the liver is ill - the whole body will become ill. This is why just about all prescription drugs warn about liver dysfunction. Even over-the-counter drugs can be hard on the liver.
This is why I always say a natural, whole foods diet is the best for a body. The cleaner folks eat - the easier on the liver.