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Re: This is why so many people are gay
judy g Views: 6,373
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 768,350

Re: This is why so many people are gay

They seem to be saying that by the 3rd generation there is increased same gender sexuality. BUT, do you think we have had 3 generations of humans eating crappy food? If you figure a decline started when the U.S. became more urbanized and started eating more refined, processed foods, which started about the turn of the last century, yeah, there have been 3 generations. But much of that third generation is just now entering adulthood, so would not account for any preceived increase in the number of homosexuals. And most people date the real decline in the food we eat to post-WW2; so any third generations is very young.

Hummm, what could this mean? Maybe that the number of homosexuals now is the same percentage that generally occurs in human populations (they have been around for a long time) but they are just not hiding as they once did. So just maybe as the 3rd and 4th, etc., generations of crappy eaters are born there will be even more homosexuals.


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