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--Hormones--have you considered ?--

Clarkia Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanse

Clarkia Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanse

moreless Views: 1,484
Published: 19 y

--Hormones--have you considered ?--

Hi Ya'll,

Many people jump to conclusions about many ideas without understanding the Complete story !

And because of this problem , many people may stick their foot in their mouth , so to speak many times !

To the subject of Hormones : Did you every stop to consider where the Hormones come from in your body and what organs may produce the Different hormones the body may need to control the body functions ? And what Hormones may do in the body ?

Just how many of you understand this subject ?

What may happen when one of the organs of the body may become Damaged, and is no longer able to function properly ?

What Sickness or Disease may be allowed to come upon the body when there may be a shortage or too much of one Hormone or the other ?

How does the shortage or oversupply of Different Hormones effect the Acid Alkaline pH balance in the body ?

How does the change in Different Hormones effect the Nitrogen isotope in the body ?

How does the change in Different Hormones effect the "OXYGEN" supply in the body ?

"IF" an organ which produces Hormones for the body has been Damaged, how may the body be able to repair this problem ?

What are you to do if the change of the Hormone supply may Cause the body to get Cancer ?

How do you correct this problem ?

Is it possible that it may be Best , if people would learn not to wear their emotions on their shirt sleeve ?

Is it possible that more people could learn how to Solve the problems facing them, if they would begin to learn to think , before jumping to conclusions ?

Why do people get all Bent out of shape when ideas do not agree with their Line of thinking, even when their ideas have not been able to Solve the problems at hand ?

For "IF" your ideas be Correct, then "WHY" should you be bothered by it, to the point of making a Big scene ?

Could it be that your Hormones may be out of wack ?

Could it be that because the Hormones may be needed by the body to regulate the Health or Sickness of the body, that a Lack or too much of them may Cause you a Great many problems ?

Could it be that of these Great many problems which the body may have as a Result of a Hormone imbalance in the body, that these problems may include Health and Social and Mental and Financial problems etc ?

Oh ! So you never fully considered this idea ?

Many things may not be as they may first seem to be !

"IF" you have a problem and have been unable to Solve the problem, just maybe you are Decieved with False ideas ?

Could it be that "IF" you considered Different ideas, that maybe you could Solve the problems facing you ?

For a person to continue to do the same thing and expect Different results, may not be the Brightest way to lead your Life !

Smile Tis your choice.



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