You might find this link on the curezone site helpful: // If it doesn't work, then go to the homepage of // and click on "cancer" under "ailments and illness" on the left side of the screen(scroll down a bit). Then click on "stomach cancer" on the left under the 28 subcategories listed. Sorry, don't know how to make more than one link clickable so you'll have to copy and paste the address on your browser. You might want to look into the intestinal cleanse formula 3 for children that is supposed to be milder than the formula 1. Formula 2 is said by schulze to be used if there is bowel problems that don't need "moving" or if irritation is present. If you find the Save Your Life curables program or just the handbook from Sam Biser on ebay, that might be helpful, too. Don't know anything from experience, though.