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Re: Remember, it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
thomas Views: 2,469
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 765,417

Re: Remember, it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

The problem is that what you're asking for is unequal treatment of people based on their sexual preference which is bigotry. I know that may sound harsh, but that is the reality of what your suggesting. There is no difference between this and the segregation policies against African Americans in our history.

If it is perfectly acceptable for heterosexual couples to kiss, hold hands, hug, what have you in public than there is no reason a gay couple could not engaage in these same signs of affection. If your talking about crossing the line into sex or sex acts that is a completely different story which is prohibited by law for any person irregardless of sexual preference.

Your point about turning people against us for showing affection may be true in the short term, but in the same regard, if we continually treat being gay as dirty, shameful and something that should be hidden away in one's house, how can we ever move into a time when people see this as normal behavior. By being visible, out and proud we can hopefully demonstrate that the only difference between gay and straight people is the sex of the person we choose to love.

I for one don't want to subtitute the front door for the closet door.


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