Re: I got diagnosed.....
I'm so happy for you! You have really been through a lot, as most of us here have.
I agree 100% with the person who said you have to peel back the layers. Oh that's so true. Like you, I have spent many a night racking my brain and trying to figure out my next step to recovery.
It's such a trial and error thing. But right now I am getting better and feel like I have a lot of the things in place to heal me. I wasted so much money and time on worthless supps and other things, when the basics have been there all along. And TIME has been the biggest contributor for me. I was just so sick for so many stored toxins to remove. I never dreamed when I started out it would take this long.
Yes I believe there are a whole lot of folks walking around with undiagnosed Lyme. I was tested myself years ago, but have since read how inconclusive most testing is. It's definately a real problem here in the US. and probably other countries as well. I haven't focused on it much because my circumstances don't fit.
Good luck to you Rachel. It sounds like you have a great doctor which is the advantage many of us do not have. I've wasted enough money so I am not going that route anymore. But if I am at a standstill in a year or so, who knows. I live in an area where alternative medicine isn't prevalent so that makes it much harder. We have a handful of quacky folks who are trying theit hand at it, but don't have much knowledge of any of these modern illnesses....however I've spent years doing my own research and being a test case so I am way ahead of them now.
Best of luck to you and please do keep posting :-)