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Image Embedded Congresswoman Diane Watson Posts Major Blog- Beginning of the End of Mercury in Dentistry
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Congresswoman Diane Watson Posts Major Blog- Beginning of the End of Mercury in Dentistry

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The Beginning of the End of Mercury in Dentistry (23 comments )

In a remarkable reversal of policy and precedent, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last month rejected its own staff report that concluded mercury amalgam fillings used by millions of Americans are safe. The panel of FDA advisors said the report did not objectively and clearly present all current data about the fillings.

Members of the advisory panel - consisting of medical doctors, dentists, and health professionals - repeatedly questioned the impact of dental mercury on children and the fetuses of pregnant women. They also said that more study is needed on the health effects of vapors that are emitted from mercury fillings.

Dental amalgam, deceptively called silver fillings, is a remnant of 19th Century medicine. Today more than 100 million Americans have mercury/silver fillings. But the vast majority, according to a 2006 Zogby poll, is not aware that silver fillings consist of 50% mercury, one of the most toxic substances known to man.

The FDA has already taken numerous steps to limit human and animal exposure to mercury. To date, it has banned mercury in disinfectants and thermometers, warned against mercury in certain foods, and prohibited the presence of mercury in all veterinary products.

Many governments around the world, however, have gone a step further by either limiting the use of or banning mercury fillings. The UK, for example, prohibits pregnant and lactating women from receiving amalgam fillings, and Scandinavian countries are phasing out the product. Canada has also restricted its use.

Despite growing scientific evidence and public awareness of the dangers of exposure to even small amounts of mercury, the FDA, the federal agency charged with regulating dental amalgam, still permits the sale of a dental product that has not been proven safe and classified as the law requires and is used inches from the brain. It continues to sanction commerce in silver fillings without disclosing to the American people that they contain a significant amount of mercury and emit mercury vapor during the entire life of the filling.

The FDA's past silence on mercury amalgam is all the more curious given the fact that both the Centers for Disease Control, in 2005, identified amalgam as a source of "major exposure" to mercury, and the U.S. Public Health Service warned, in 1999, that mercury amalgam is one of the two greatest sources of mercury exposure to humans.

Dental amalgam is also a major environmental pollutant once it is removed from the mouth to such a degree that dental offices are the number one source of mercury in waste water. The FDA, however, has never written an environmental impact statement on dental amalgam as it is required to do by law. The environmental damage caused by the disposal of mercury amalgams makes no sense when alternative materials are now available for every kind of dental cavity.

The FDA's historic decision to reject its own staff report signals the beginning of the end of mercury amalgam's privileged sanctuary. It is a good first step. But more remains to be done.

The FDA must therefore move ahead post haste in the following four areas: (1) Disclosure: The FDA must immediately take the simple step of requiring dentists to inform their patients that amalgam is 50% mercury, it constitutes exposure to a neuro-toxin, and alternative fillings are available. (2) Environmental Impact: The FDA has the legal duty to conduct an environmental impact study of dental amalgam, which it has never done, before properly classifying the material. (3) Proof of Safety: Manufacturers of amalgam should have the burden of proving its safety. To date, they have never sought nor been given pre-market approval for their product. The FDA must hold amalgam manufacturers accountable. (4) Children and Pregnant Women: Ten years ago, Health Canada directed its dentists to cease placing mercury fillings in the teeth of children, pregnant women, and persons with kidney disease, mercury hypersensitivity, or braces. The FDA should implement a similar ban in the U.S.

Two short decades ago, health and public policy advocates embarked on a campaign to rid public areas of smokers and second-hand tobacco smoke. Today the U.S. is on the cutting-edge of educating and informing its citizens about the scourge of tobacco and eliminating tobacco smoke from public and common areas. A similar campaign is gathering momentum here and around the world to end the use of mercury amalgam. It is past time for the American dental profession to relinquish a practice that is as antiquated as it is dangerous.

Comments :

This is terrific news. I hope that this brave FDA decision will be generalized to the CDC and other agencies to to finally eliminate the mercury based preservative, thimerosal, from flu shots and all other immunizations recommended by public health authorities. A vaccine/autism link has long been theorized by many autism advocates and independent scientists. Mercury based thimerosal is one of several prime suspects that the CDC to date has aggressively resisted studying. If the FDA says it shouldn't be put in our teeth, it surely shouldn't be injected into our bodies, either.

By: Prairie on October 24, 2006 at 04:10pm

>> I'm glad I think for myself.

I'd heard that mercury was in the silver Amalgams back in 1984. Even then, the FDA and the Dental association were saying it wasn't an issue.

But, figuring that there were no safe limits of Mercury, and that as much as 25% of the Amalgam weight is missing when it is removed ... how could it not be leaching into the body? I've been getting ceramic ever since, and have urged everyone I know to do the same.

In related news; Make sure there is no mercury in your immunization shots -- it appears Eli Lilly has been using such a substance in the multi-immune shots. Now, you might think that you can just trust a big company and the FDA on this, who insist it has no adverse effects; but why then would Frist have tried 5 times to sneak a clause in government bills to protect Eli Lilly from prosecution?

It all comes down to autism, and the fact that before 1989, only one in 10,000 kids ever got autism. After this mercury substance was introduced, 1 in 166 kids got autism. Cynically, they didn't taper off its use because that would show a direct link -- so they've been slowly fazing it out,.. which will probably be shown as some wonder of modern medicine that we are winning the war on Autism. There have been some bogus studies funded to muddy the waters a bit, so you might have heard that the mercury-autism link was unfounded. It isn't.

But this is the down-side of Fascism, even for the well-to-do. Companies have access to politicians and just bribe their way out of costly lawsuits.

Oh, and it was the Patriot Act II which finally saw the rider that absolves Eli Lilly from prosecution. Why anyone would think you could inject any sort of mercury substance into a kid makes no sense at all.

By: vitriolandangst on October 24, 2006 at 04:26pm 

As a biologic dentist and a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, I have seen first hand the improvemnet in patients that have their mercury fillings removed safely. Up to 15% of the population is either CPO4X or APOE4 positive with their DNA sequence. This means in real life that they can not produce or use the enzymes that the body requires to excrete mercury and other heavy metals. These are the patients that develop chronic immune system diseases that very few doctors are able and willing to diagnose and treat. Only those physicians trained in environmental medicine are successfully treating these folks and they ALL refer them to a biologic dentist to remove the mercury fillings first. Over 66% of the body burden of mercury comes from the dental amalgams and the only way to adequately chelate them afterwards is to get rid of this metal toxin in the teeth. I have seen everything from skin rashes to migrane headaches, chronic fatigue, lupus, memory loss, adult ADD and others with significant improvement after the fillings are removed. It is time for the public to finally demand that our healthcare system face this problem honestly and not allow the big PHARMA and dental companies to dictate the use of mercury in fillings. Every can of mercury fillings sold to every dentist with the ADA seal of approval on it has a royalty check sent directly back to the ADA as a share in the profits. How can they then be objective about its safety? Thanks for disseminating this information and getting it out to the public. Please go to for more information. Dr. Matthew Young DDS

By: MatthewYoungDDS on October 24, 2006 at 05:26pm

Mercury is a proven toxin and must be handled as a toxic substance before it becomes mixed as dental amalgam.

The remaining amalgam that is not placed in a tooth must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

So at what point in time does the ADA and FDA think that mercury becomes safe to put into a human mouth?

Perhaps the reason why the FDA has dragged their feet taking a stand against amalgam is that there isn't enough money to pay for the class-action lawsuits when dental amalgam is "legally" identified as a toxic substance.

By: marksasmith on October 24, 2006 at 05:34pm

The EPA recently estimated that there were over 1000 tons of mercury in US citizens mouths in the form of mercury amalgams. Each year many of these are replaced (estimated 50 to 70 million fillings) which can cause much of this mercury to end up in the wastewater as stated in the article. A simple device like an ISO 11143 tested amalgam separator can eliminate from 95% to 99% of this mercury before it enters the sewer. This equipment is only mandated in the Northeast states, Washington State, and a few communities across the country. Dentists in non-regulated areas seldom install this simple device on a voluntary basis.

It is well past time that the tens of tons of mercury discharged annually by dentists is required to be removed before it poisons our farms or rivers. It should be required that this mercury waste be captured and not continued to be allowed down the drain to our Publically Owned Treatment Works.

By: amalgamsep on October 24, 2006 at 05:36pm

How can we know the truth about whether mercury is safe for dental fillings?

The rejection of an FDA staff report is just one datapoint (and one vested interest) among many.

I'd like to see some real science done on this. Not third tier "political science". What *is* the scientific evidence on amalgam fillings?

Please hurry, I have a mouth full of these fillings.

By: StanAccrington on October 24, 2006 at 05:40pm

Not only that, but I've also heard that there are large quantities of hydrogen in our drinking water. Hydrogen is widely thought to have been responsible for turning the Hindenburg into a massive fireball. Do you really want that flowing in through your taps EVERY DAY???

When will our leaders do something to protect us?

By: sahd on October 24, 2006 at 05:46pm 

i am a dentist. i graduated dental school in 1979 and used mercury in amalgam restorations for many years to fix back teeth as the cheapest, fastest, most durable material we had.

that day is almost past. we have materials that pretty much do everything that silver fillings could do, and at somewhat similar cost. as karl leinfelder predicted over ten years ago, the environmental and public health issues would probably be the last nail in mercury/silver amalgam's coffin.

the boomers wouldn't have teeth at all without the historical access to that material as all we had in its place was crowns or pliers...

there still is a potential gap in durability, ease of placement and cost of the newer materials. and for years to come we will have to deal with the fallout of the material--its in many mouths, to be removed as teeth need fixing and as ww2 generation and boomers pass on.

By: davedave on October 24, 2006 at 06:01pm

I too was a speaker at the FDA meeting, and couldn't agree more with Rep. Watson's comments. For more about what happened at the meeting, log onto my mercury links page at

Be sure to check out my blog, and my speech linked on the upper right side of the page.

Steve Markus DMD
Haddon Heights, NJ

By: DrMarkus on October 24, 2006 at 06:19pm

KUDOS to Congreswoman Watson for being such a champion on this issue. The notion of placing such a potent neurotoxin into people's teeth without requiring their consent or requiring that an individual be tested for sensitivity is dismissive of doing no harm. How many times has your dentist asked what your tolerance is for mercury? Moreover, has your physician ever asked about your dental history or tested you for mercury burden? Mercury is passed through the urine and feces of individuals with dental amalgam to waste treatment facilites, where it then reaches water sources and sludge that is often used in fertilizers. Does mercury really belong in our heads?

By: dehalvemaen on October 24, 2006 at 06:24pm

Kudos to Congresswoman Watson for her leadership on this very important and often overlooked issue.
Does the FDA and ADA really believe that it is a good idea to place one of the most potent neurotoxins on the planet into people's teeth ? The fact that this is done without informed consent might be considered dismssive of doing no harm.
When is the last time that a dentist tested you for sensitivity to mercury before filling your teeth? Moreover, has your physician ever asked about your oral history or tested you for mercury burden? The fact that the distinguished advisory panel found gaps of data on important issues like exposure to a fetus, when it is known that mercury crosses the placental barrier; should be a clarion wake-up call to every ob/gyn and expectant mother who is advised that dental work during pregnancy is, according to the FDA and ADA safe.
Mercury passes through the urine and feces of individuals with dental amalgam (50% mercury)that goes through waste treatment facilities, most of which do not remove mercury and gets into water sources and sludge used in fertilizers.
Does it really make sense to put mercury into our teeth?

By: dehalvemaen on October 24, 2006 at 06:42pm

This would be the end to one of the most horrendous medical deceitful frauds ever perpetrated on the human race. I have lived through the horrors of having deadly mercury planted in the marrow of my teeth, and the glory of return to health upon removal.

By: Pinetopper on October 24, 2006 at 07:14pm

I've worked in Dentistry for 18 years. For just about that long I've been saying that it will take an act of Congress to put an end to the use of this highly toxic substance. I'm absolutely appalled at the fact that the american public has been flat out lied to for decades by the ADA, FDA and the (not surprising) Pharmaceutical companies. It's about time this issue was brought out into the open so that people can begin to understand the dangers of this highly toxic metal. Thank goodness for the efforts of the IAOMT (Internationa Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology)and other such organizations spearheading the efforts to educate the public and bring the truth about Mercury fillings and Thimerosol (a mercury based preservative used in vaccines) to the public. Finally, a sane voice...

By: KRP on October 24, 2006 at 07:40pm

A facetious comment posted here warns of hydrogen in our faucets. This is but another example of the misinformation that proliferates concerning the use of mercury in dentistry. Most chemists would agree that hydrogen forms a covalent bond with oxygen to form a water molecule. Mercury does not form such a chemical bond with the other constituents of dental amalgam. Seventeen separate published studies have assessed the extent to which dental patients are exposed to mercury contained in mercury fillings. These studies were recently summarized in the following paper: Richardson, G.M., Inhalation of Mercury-Contaminated Particulate Matter by Dentists: An Overlooked Occupational Risk, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 9:1519-1531 (2003). While the authors of these studies disagree about the precise quantity of mercury that is absorbed from amalgam fillings, they each agree that these fillings are a source of elemental mercury exposure. None of these authors claim that patients are exposed to some inert mercury compound-- the exposure is to elemental mercury. These well-documented scientific facts have not deterred misinformed dentists from recirculating falsehoods about mercury's chemical properties. If mercury exposure is confirmed as an etiology for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, an hypothesis gaining increased scientific support, the Hindenburg catastrophe may someday look tame by comparison.

By: titushillis on October 24, 2006 at 07:54pm

There will be a temptation to turn to dental trade associations to determine the "truth" of the mercury filling dispute. After all, they are the experts aren't they?

No they are not! Nor should we expect them to be.

Consider this. Lead-based paint no longer is manufactured because of the major neurological problems that lead causes when ingested by children. But the painters or the paint manufacturers didn't raise the red flag and say, "We have to stop this. We are poisoning kids." Of-course not. Painters have no training in nuerology, chemistry, or toxicology, so they did not have the knowledge to raise the alarm. Likewise, plumbers didn't raise their hand and say that they should stop using lead water pipes. Again, they had no training that alerted them to the problem.

The same applies to mercury-using dentists and their mentors in the dental trade associations. The best dental materials experts in the world don't know squat about neurology, chemistry, or toxicology. Nor should we expect them to know anything about those and related disciplines. That is not what they do. Dentists cannot solve this problem. They just don't have the knowledge.

Instead we should look at the science, as published in many peer reviewed scientific journals. The evidence is overwhelming that mercury has no business being placed into the human body in any way, shape, or form.

The review panel members who rejected the FDA's whitepaper whitewash on this subject performed a major service for the American people. They deserve our profuse thanks.

By: JohnRowe on October 24, 2006 at 09:44pm

It's past time that the medical community woke up to this tragedy. The dental community is well aware but silent in fear of the ADA gag rule (yes, it exists, search it).

It was only through information I stumbled upon on the net that I realized I had 12 of 13 symptons listed and the 12 large amalgams, hot liquids and crunchy foods were the source of the mystery illness that took my career and a huge part of my life.

I was told by those with experience that the wrong tests would be run (urine tests are inacurate because mercury is retained, not excreeted) and it would not be taken serioulsy.

I went to Dr. S. K., a "best in the world" toxicologist in Boston who told me as soon as we met that not one person ever suffered from ill effects from dental amalgams. I should have left then.

I was going to the "best in the world" as an informed patient, it would be different for me. Ooops.. It wasn't in her textbook. Hahahahaha. The joke was on me. I knew what tests to ask for but that didn't matter. From improper testing to misread results: based on a general denial and lack of concern about the amalgam issue at a top medical institution.

I talked to several dentists who parroted the ADA party line and only spoke openly when I revealed I already knew and was being impacted. My dentist is sure his memory loss and family history of depression is due to his home office for 40 years. "Never in kids" said another who stopped years ago.

Many thanks to those working on this important issue. You are the ones who saved me. The medical community was more harm than help. It's beyond time for a change.

If the medical community can't think outside text books it's time for the books to be updated. Thank God the FDA rubber stamp didn't work on Sept 7th.

Autism is what we call mercury toxicity in our young. Alzheimer's is what we call it in our old.

By: CapeCodJim on October 24, 2006 at 10:24pm

At least I get the satisfaction of knowing that the son of a bitch that put the biggest Amalgam in my head went down in a plane crash a few years later.

All of my Amalgams (except one) I had drilled out real good and Gold on-lays put in over top of them. The bad taste went away and most of the smell. That was 1992.

The last one I just had drilled down and a ceramic crown put over it this year. That one was bent over and touching my gum. When he ground it down the gum next to the tooth was black from the silver/mercury leaching into my gum.

Next time you are in a dentist's chair, in a doctor's office, or listening to some so called "professional" feed you a story you don't believe, stand up for yourself because you are probably right. Multiple degrees and a high income do not a smart person make. Stick up for yourself and make your own decisions. Your life depends on it.

By: guitarsandmore on October 25, 2006 at 12:21am

As someone who is recovering from mercury toxicity due to dental amalgam, I am so pleased that Rep. Watson has continued to speak out on this issue. The denial of the severe toxicity of mercury in dental amalgam by the FDA, ADA, etc., is tragic; one true expert in mercury toxicity calls it what it is - criminal - and each day more and more people who are trusting those who are supposed to be watching out for their health are becoming ill with preventable diseases of "unknown etiology" and "no known cure" - what truly is sad is that the cause IS known and should be commonly known (dental patients should be given ALL the facts about the metals in dental materials and patients should be allowed to make an informed choice), and there is hope for a cure! My health is recovering, and I thank the Good Lord for that - but how many more people have to suffer before someone puts a stop to this?

By: banmercurynow on October 25, 2006 at 01:44am

Fluoride, too:

Because of a glitch in the law,3 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) never safety-tested fluoride for ingestion.1 Yet, the FDA recently OK'd cavity-preventing claims on fluoridated bottled water labels,2 giving Americans a false sense of security about the safety and effectiveness of drinking fluoride-added bottled water.

Sodium fluoride was sold before FDA safety and effectiveness testing laws were enacted in 1938 and 1962, respectively. Fluoride was exempt from scrutiny, or "grandfathered in," without any FDA human or animal studies.3 "The premise was that all pre-1938 drugs were considered safe," according to FDA correspondence.3

Sodium fluoride was already sold pre-1938 but not as a decay preventive. It commonly sold as a rat poison. The FDA has no information on the medical uses of fluoride before 1938.3

According to the FDA's website: "New products that are designed to treat human conditions or diseases are scrutinized by FDA's reviewers for safety and effectiveness before they can be made available to
consumers." 4 But this never occurred for fluoride or fluoridated bottled water.

The FDA can't assess whether something added to the water is safe because there's no way to know how much people will consume, according to an FDA spokesperson quoted in a Colorado newspaper. 5

The FDA approved fluoridated toothpaste, as a drug, for topical application as in toothpaste; but not for swallowing. In fact, toothpaste tubes are imprinted with FDA "do not swallow" warnings.

However, fluoridated bottled water is meant to be swallowed. Not a nutrient, fluoride is a drug prescribed to treat humans against tooth decay. The FDA never studied fluoride ingestion, in any form, for adverse health effects or to discover if it really reduces tooth decay.6

The following side effects may be early signs of possible chronic fluoride overdose, according to the Mayo Clinic website: 8

Pain and aching of bones; skin rash; sores in the mouth and on the lips; stiffness; white, brown, or black discoloration of teeth.

Continued with references:

By: nyscof on October 25, 2006 at 07:33am

Mercury from my dental amalgams caused me to have severe neurological problems and I was diagnosed with MS in 1999. I went through heavy metal detoxification procedures as well as immune-system rebuilding therapies and was completed cured by 2001. I continue o enjoy total health today. Read all the details at
God bless those with MS that they may find out the real cause and be cured.

By: MScure on October 25, 2006 at 11:16pm

The four straightforward suggested next steps for the FDA are clearly on target! With regard to identifying who is hypersensitive to mercury, a simple blood serum biocampatibility test can and should be run for each patient to ensure that the patient's body is compatible with whatever dental materials are going to be used. This would provide a giant leap forward in the responsible practice of dentistry and would prevent direct health challenges created by the work of otherwise well-meaning but uninformed dentists.

By: MScure on October 25, 2006 at 11:25pm

Thank you for running this story. After the FDA's latest ruling I only saw two news shows report them. Katie Couric and Dianne Saywer. The week before it was all over the news that the FDA thought amalgam "silver" fillings were safe. The media is strange like that. I was a dental assistant for many years and became very sick working with this material. I am hopeful that someday we will have a test to see who cant be around this material. Its too late for me. I am hopeful that the FDA has other honest people like David Gramham (the wistleblower in the Vioxx coverup) he cant be the only person in the agency with a conscience. As for the American Dental Association they have more at stake few people know that they have two patients on Amalgam its no wonder they stand by it. Thankyou for bringing this issue to your readers and thankyou Dianne Watson for your work.

By: karenburnsdotcom on October 26, 2006 at 07:17pm

Congresswoman Watson, the Congressional leader of the fight to ban mercury fillings, has it right. The pro-mercury dentist-led bureaucracy at FDA that has illegally protected the placing of mercury in children has been exposed. Judicial, Congressional, and scientific oversight is leading inevitably to the end of mercury/silver fillings.

By: CharlieBrownofConsumers on October 29, 2006 at 01:34pm

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