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Cured myself of Prostatitis
superhero Views: 32,449
Published: 20 y

Cured myself of Prostatitis

I suffered from chronic prostatits for 3 years. Pain every day. But through trial and error I figured out the riddle.

Prostatitis is a condition brought on by how you deal with stress. Many people hold their stress in their shoulders and neck; they get migraines. Others hold their stress in thier stomachs and get ulcers or acid reflux. Prostatitis sufferers hold their stress in their lower stomach and/or genital areas.

Your goal should be to eliminate stress in these areas. Here's how:

1) Chiropractic visits (VERY IMPORTANT); once weekly. Talk to your chiropractor...he should be familiar with manipulations for prostatitis.

2) Regular vigorous exercise. Running, jogging, swimming, rowing...ANYTHING to get oxygen in your pelvic muscles. 3-4 times per week ....30-40 mins per workout. You cannot cure this problem w/out exercise.

3) Cut back sex/self-gratification to no more than once per week. (very irritating to surrounding tissues.)

4.) Cut out all sugars and inflammatory foods. This includes bread, wheat, candy, sodas, pasta, bottled juices, snacks, crackers, etc. Get on a whole foods diet until your sypmtoms clear.

5) Lower Stomach massage. Daily if possible. Get a spouse to rub down your lower stomach with olive oil and work out the tight spots.

6) Practice regular relaxation of the overstressed, overtensed pelvic region. Tension got you into this mess. You have to change your habits.
Good luck S


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