Re: Need advice on where to begin
Thanks so much for the advice! There is so much info out there that it is hard to know where to start. In addition, my husband is from Asia, and where he comes from, they use very little nutritional supplements, etc. They rarely go to allopathic doctors, but they tend to give a lot of respect to their ideas. Not to mention, I didn't know how he would respond to the idea of any kind of prostate massage (this is a sensitive subject for many people, I would imagine). He and I spent a few hours last night discussing these matters, as well as the protocol advised by Phyllis Balch (sp?) ("prescription for natural healing") that was recommended to him by a friend. In the end, he decided he would like to try this prostate massage tool, and he will start with some of those supplements recommended by Balch, which he had already purchased. Also some other measures, like changing diet. I am going to throw out his aluminum cookware once and for all! There are some things he can't tolerate right now, such as the cranberry, but when the swelling goes down, we can re-introduce them. I am also considering the supplement you mentioned, for later on, because it might be nice to have only one pill as total maintenance.
We both are now taking this a lot more seriously than we did when he first went to the urologist, and we realize that his urologist is not going to give him the answers he needs. But thanks to your advice and some research, we both feel much relief to know that there is a solution. Thanks and take care,