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I protect my prostate with Prostate Defense.
Owen Views: 6,193
Published: 21 y

I protect my prostate with Prostate Defense.

I'm a 64 year-old man who prides
himself on his good health. However,
in the last year, I noticed that I
would wake up in the middle of the
night and have to pee. I attributed
that to the large amounts of water
I drink each day.

But then I said to myself, "Owen,
you've been drinking a gallon a day
of water for almost 30 years -- and
you never had to get up to pee
until recently. Maybe your prostate
needs some TLC."

I had been using an inexpensive
prostate supplement sporadiacally;
just one tablet a day, instead of
the recommended three per day.
I decided it was time to give my
prostate the best supplement that I've read about: Prostate Defense
from North Star Nutritionals. I trust Dr. Alan Spreen who formulates
it. It's not cheap. A one-month supply costs $40.00. But two of my
best friends just spent $30,000+ to
have their prostates removed surgically, and I wanted no part of

So I bought a bottle of Prostate
Defense, and began taking four of
the round, purple capsules each day:
two in mid-morning and two just
before bed at night.

That was 3 weeks ago. The result? I no longer have to get up to pee in
the middle of the night. I sleep
right through till dawn. I don't
know whether this product will
eliminate more serious symptoms of
prostate illness, but I thought I'd
share with you the simple relief it
has apparently brought to me.

I know this sounds like a paid
testimonial. It isn't. I don't
work for Northstar or anyone else.
In fact, I tried their Flexanol
product several years ago to relieve
some exercise-related aches, and it
did nothing for me. Nada.

Northstar's number is 1-800-311-1950. If anyone else has
any luck with this product -- or
if it does nothing for you -- please
give some feedback to the rest of us.





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