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Re: Glad to help
  Views: 2,791
Published: 19 y
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Re: Glad to help

I am glad that you are both doing better, all on your own - that is the state of affairs re medicine in this country - we must take our health into OUR OWN HANDS and through knowledge, and support from great people such as on this curezone site, we will make it.

Sorry for the occasional caps, but when I need to accentuate something it is the only way I know how on my pc. It is not meant to be aggressive, etc.

Also, I have been aware that you can also have your blood taken out, oxygenated and returned simultaneoulsy for some time now but never decided to do it. I have found a doctor here who has an alternative clinic (but he was a regular md in the past) and I have decided to finally do it in the hopes of not only getting more oxygen into my poor oxygen depleted blood cells, but also hopefully to do some real healing.

And, I had mentioned to Rog that for several years now I have had on my mind to purchase a sauna/steam cabinet with ozonation feature - but cannot do that unitl I move into a house, which I hope will be soon.

Again, thanks for your input - and sorry if I sounded like some ill-mannered, aggressive person on my earlier post - sometimes, you just can't see what you have become due to the on-going issues and circumstances which keep mounting up in your life.

Your wife is fortunate to have you and you were. That,, is a big thing!


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