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My friends good prostate news!!
Hello all! I just wanted to share my friends good news with you all!
Just got my test results and I'm absolutely gobsmacked!!!!!!!!!
My PSA on the last test was 5.7 (*Three months ago)
When I first went to the urologist several years ago it was at about 3.5 and has been rising gradually ever since
I did about two and half weeks of
Bowel Cleanse (*bentonite and psyllium drinks 3 times a day - drinking lots of water) and I did exactly two liver flushes. (*getting out lots of stones - including some biggies! robin's egg size) The spin offs have been almost no chronic back pain any more, no joint pains when I sleep and for the first time in about 15 years, I can sleep on my stomach without hurting my lower back. My toe nails are growing faster than they have in at least 10 years (which means better calcium absorption) and since my PSA is diminishing at such a fast rate, I expect that my prostrate problems too may disappear, although it won't happen over night.
PSA = Prostate Specific Antigen and measures the growth of prostate cells. (non cancerous)
My friend started doing the cleanses in January/February because after his last prostate test his doctor wanted to go in and do a biopsy. Now he won't have to go in for a biopsy!! We can't wait to hear what his doctor has to say about his methods! yipppppy!!!
How to Cleanse