You're going to die very painful death!
I was very "healthy", happy and successful, when I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at age 58, in 1990.
"You're going to die very painful death, if We don't cut out Your cancerous prostate, immediately. !" - The doctors told me.
In fact they had booked my surgery for 6 am. the very next morning.
"It is a minor surgery, just sign the release and show up, and You will live happily the rest of your life" - The doctors told me.
I pressed for answers about side effects and learned that I might be impotent, incontinent and that I would need to take 8 weeks off from my business to recuperate, from this "minor surgery." These were unacceptable to me, so I decided to begin an intensive exploration of my alternatives.
I talked my way into medical libraries and consulted with many MD’s and healers of all types. I quickly learned that most of the world does not have prostate problems, that it is mainly in the Western, developed countries. I learned that nutrition is a major factor, with studies showing that when men relocated from Africa or Asia, where they had no prostate problems, these men soon developed prostate problems like the rest of us.
I went on a fasting retreat and saw the toxins come out of my body and saw my PSA come down from near 10 to near 5 in a single week. Medicine then considered this to be impossible, but I knew I was on the right track, toxins, including Dental, were a major factor in prostate health. Within 2 months, my PSA was less than 2 and I was cancer free.
Now 66 and in real health, I have continued my research, cleansing and learning to this day, resulting in the very successful program in my book:
Prostate Health in 90 Days...
without drugs or surgery
by Larry Clapp, PhD, JD