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Re: What could be causing his problems?
humaworm Views: 2,892
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 761,036

Re: What could be causing his problems?

Hello - he could have ascaris and pinworms. Ascaris causes lung and chest problems because the lungs are where the eggs hatch into larvae. Ascaris are round worms, they look like strands of spaghetti and tapeworms are flat, they look like ribbons. Most adult tapeworms are only 1/2 inch long - very small and very flat. Female ascaris can be 12 inches long and the males are about 10 inches long - very long and very scary looking!

Pinworms come out at night and lay eggs on the anus, underclothing and bedsheets of the infected person. They cause a very itchy anus and are common among children.

Tapeworms usually hang aound in one place while ascaris travel all over - this is the parasite that most people can feel moving in their bodies.

For your son to be treated - a couple of questions - How old is he? How much does he weigh?


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