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ok I´m crazy?
There are so many different treatments but I just found this one now, although it might sound crazy and I´m not encouraging anyone to try it, but still interesting.
Bee stings for… tumor
We had a case of a close friend of a beekeeper who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor too advanced for possible surgical removal. The apiculturist, faced with the despair of his friend, invited him to the apiary with the affected area uncovered. The first day a swarm of bees stung him in the affected area. They went to the apiary once a week. After a while, each time there were fewer bees that stung him (I should say pricked him) in that area. The moment arrived when no bees stung him at all. At that point the beekeeper told him to go to the physician.
When he went to the doctor, great was the surprise when they found that the tumor had disappeared.
We have planned an investigation of this effect on malignant tumors in rats, but we have not been able to start it because for the moment the Health Ministry lacks funds. Ironic, isn’t it?
For the time being, I recognize that bees have the gift of knowing where they must sting. Mother Nature is wise, but notwithstanding that, we must acknowledge that physicians-acupuncturists must also know where to place the needles.
Dr. Eduardo Lema
Montevideo, Uruguay
E-mail: celema@adinet.com.uy
(Message sent to “Lista-de-Apiterapia” January 20, 2005)