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caseyais Views: 1,805
Published: 18 y


i have been surfing curezone for about a week straight now trying to pick the best course of action and i am so confused.

I have done about 10 Liver Flushes and at first, they were making me better, but recently ive been steadily declining in my absoption of food, and my energy and sleep.

I have come to the conclusion through surfing curezone that I either need to do

a. colon cleanse(or some other cleanse)
b. more liver flushes
c. breaking from flushing and work on balancing minerals and good bacteria

i was planning to do a flush tonight but now i am not sure, i do not want to further injur my body.

a.the Colon Cleanse is highly recommened by Andreas for people who seem to get worse with liver flushes, but i already have regular bowel movements and i did a short Oxypowder cleanse which flushed me out pretty good and i did not see any trapped stones.

b. i could just be bringing forth more congestion with Liver Flushes and need to continue but i dont know!

c. take a break? then i will never know if a simple flush would have fixed the problem or not? i dont want to feel sick anymore.

What do you guys think?

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