Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us about it. It must have been awful. I'm reading a book about traumatic experiences called Waking the Tiger. It is very interesting. Apparently shocking experiences like that can remain in the body and weaken the immune system, if there is no opportunity for the body to shake out the trauma. I once sat with a friend during natural child birth. After the baby came out, she began to shake. I thought she was going into convulsions or having a seizure, but the nurse told me not to worry, just cover her up and keep her warm. She was in shock and shaking out the trauma. She shook for about 10 minutes and then slept for a while. It is important to let your body go through that kind of healing process, if it needs too. Get under some blankets, because you might get really cold. You aren't having a heart attack or dying. You are healing. Love to you. Do you have someone who can watch over you, to make you feel safe?