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A whole new healing protocol for pets?
DJThompson Views: 1,351
Published: 20 y

A whole new healing protocol for pets?

I was just a day away from putting down my daughter's pit bull sent to me for doctoring after it had suffered from ringworm, barely survived parvo, and then broken out with a mite infestation--either demodex or sarcoptic mange, whichever one is more serious but less contagious. She was such a mess, including raw feet where the secondary bacterial infection caused pus pockets to break out all over, and the ones on her feet were a nightmare. What I did for her is a combined treatment I'm convinced would work for any number of conditions or diseases.

I'm keeping a running account with photos:

Scroll down to the bottom where the story begins for Chloe the Dog. It takes a while for all of the photos to download, so give it time.


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