Re: Dying to sleep
I have several thoughts and suggestions. I've had bladder problems that wake me up like you. Here's some thoughts:
First, is your water acid or alkaline? I've been using reverse osmosis for over 15 years and when the machine had a problem I switched to bottled water. My bladder problem has begun to improve even though I'm just using a nothing special grocery store plastic bottle filled spring water. After researching and testing the water PH on the reverse osmosis and the spring water, I realized the spring water was more alkaline. I'm having less stomach acid which was a severe problem, and my bladder inflamation is getting better.
I just ordered it so I can't say how the machine is, but it really makes sense to me to stop using very acidic water and to start using alkaline water. If you look all over these boards you will see the importance to good health of staying alkaline. I can't wait to see how things go with this machine. I'll post about it after I've tried it for a bit. Anyway, this is it:
It is not cheap but it appears to be the best bet at this point for long term health issues. If you use reverse osmosis or distilled water, try changing to a more alkaline spring water. You can get strips to test the water acidity at many drug stores or even on-line. If that helps, you may wish to invest in an
Alkaline Water ionizing filter.
Second, you might want to stop eating anything that's really acidic, especially in the evening. Tomatoes, soda, coffee, cranberries, some fruits, etc. Also, don't drink much in the evening, especially as you get closer to bed time.
Third, are you anxious and stressed aside from the lack of sleep and bladder issues? Stress can make everything worse. I know lack of sleep can make you crazy, but stress can cause the lack of sleep and then you get into a cycle. It's essential to work at getting to a place of peace. This may include forgiveness, coming up with a plan to better the circumstances in your life, dealing with fears, etc.
Fourth, a sleep aid that works differently from the herbs is GABA which is an amino acid. I take 2000 mg of Solgar GABA before going to sleep. I find it very effective. I also take 1/2 to 3/4 of one benedryl pill. The combination helps. If I take more benedryl than that it causes urinary retention, which is a problem for me, but could help if it opposes your specific bladder problem.
Fifth, I believe that some bladder issues can be an undetectable infection. You may wish to check out
Colloidal Silver which could be taken for a few months, and also some D-Mannose taken daily for several months also. Also, goldenseal root, which shouldn't be taken long term can be used for 2-3 weeks at a time.
Lastly, if you can't get past this, you may want to go and do a sleep study to see if there are other issues effecting your sleep patterns.