Cysts on the liver
A co-worker, Lucy, has a brother who is currently hospitalized with at least two large cysts on his liver and possibly several smaller ones. For the past month he has been quite ill and every trip to the ER ended with him going home with a prescription for
Antibiotics , yet he continued to get worse and worse. My friend Lucy finally stayed with him at the hospital and refused to take him home without a proper diagnosis, and that is when they found the liver cysts and admitted him.
They are draining one cyst (softball sized), but cannot get to the other cyst because of it's location, and it has a thickened wall surrounding it and the doctors have told her that the
Antibiotics cannot get to this cyst to kill the bacteria because of this thickened wall of cells.
My questions are what can I tell her to feed him, that might help, what kind of supplements can he take (he is very toxic right now), and what herbs that can be made into teas can she bring to him? She is currently making
The Master Cleanse Lemonade for him to drink so that he can help clean out some toxins, and I am looking for things she can bring to the hospital as 'food' so she does not have a conflict with the doctors.
Today I told her to log into curezone and ask Andreas about his condition and what she could do for him, but I see he is not taking questions and I am not sure where to look for help with these questions. She will buy Andreas' book so that she can help her brother to heal when he does get home, so I am just looking for things she can do to get a head start.