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Re: another CS question...does it kill good bacteria?
  Views: 2,567
Published: 19 y
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Re: another CS question...does it kill good bacteria?

Ok - in my experience no Dr. is god. I have yet to find a Dr. with all the answers, though most think they have them. I have found that I need to learn as much as I can and make my own decisions, using the Dr.'s advice in my decision making process. I've had Dr.'s who thought they were god. I spent lots and lots of time and money following advice that wasn't right for me. I'd find a doctor that could help me with one issue, and I thought I needed to obey all their recommendations to keep their service. Any dr who won't respect your right to have a voice in your treatment is usually not worth keeping. Ok I'm on a soap box now. Sorry for ranting but I guess I feel strongly about this after years of dealing with many doctors for health problems. I just simply have not found one dr. who has all the answers. Maybe that dr. exists out there, but I've learned it's best to study, understand and have a hand in decisions about my health.

I wish you the best -



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