I'm in my late thirties and prior to liver flushing, I was experiencing almost daily transient pain in the area of my heart. Two years ago I had an echocardiogram done but it didn't reveal anything much, only the beginnings of a mitral valve problem. Since my early twenties my heart has been skipping beats, it would probably miss 2 or 3 beats every minute. I have checked this on and off for years, always the same. What I would do was to check my pulse and when there was supposed to be the next beat, there was a brief pause and then it would resume. Well I have completed 19 Liver Flushes to date over the last 18 months. I had a seriously diseased gallbladder (per ultrasound a year ago). I no longer get the heart pain and I took my pulse the other night, and checked it for 5 minutes straight - not a single missed beat! I realise this is largely anecdotal but it is very encouraging to me and hopefully to someone else too.