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59 year old with lungcancer spread to lymf and the back
skireddo Views: 2,245
Published: 19 y

59 year old with lungcancer spread to lymf and the back

My livingpartner 59 year old have lungcancer spread to lymf and the back.

She took Natural Cellular Defense for 3 weeks.
Than something happens. Worse to better?

She got painful feelings like stings in both sides and lot of pains when moving and streching the body.

She feel also tumors in the back be larger. She stopped with this.

Started with Huldas Clarks 20days cleansing now at 13th day.

Will do the kidneys after so liver cleansing.

Zapping her 3 times a day 3 days, so 1 day off.

Zapper Altered States; Super Sweep Function Zapper: 27-33khz + 2,3-2,7khz;

Can sweep both range same time. Use this?

Is this correct.

As I understand lungcancer is coursed of parasite: Insentinal Fluke.

Will the zapper kill this?

Have seen in web: Super Zapper Deluxe 2006
Is this better or are my good enough.

The new do we need programdriver or smart key?
Do it need any spesial frequency to kill Instentinal Fluke in lungs?

Hope someone can answer me back with informations.

I am very worried for her and I have crying much. Hope You understand my English.

Best regard from an unhappy person in Norway.


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