I just finished my first try. The first was with olive oil. After about 5 minutes I had to run and find a cup and spit it out. The liguid was still yellow. So a few minutes after collecting my bearings I tried sunflower oil. It wasn't as bad. I did it for about 10 min. and my mouth was so sore and tired from the swishing! Plus my mouth kind of became too full and I HAD to spit it out. This time it was white. (the oil was org. yellow) I then rinsed out my mouth with salt water. So now I am wondering did I just do this gross thing for nothing? (Sorry but I don't really enjoy swishing oil in my mouth but if it works like others say, so what!!)
Oh and by the way is it normal for my mouth to build up this oily spit that I have to spit out later after doing this? Sorry for the gross image there!