Re: SF722 v Oil of Oregano and garlic
Hi Michelle
You are right on the button. I am truly frustrated at my lack of progress, and yet I have come soooooo far since I began. I am an athlete compared to how I was before discovering candida.
However, I am very run down. Since taking the oregano oil my hair has been casting, gone brittle, I missed a period, and feel very tired and depleted. this could be the oregano oil (I havent even had the energy to do any research on it to find out if it could have that effect), or it could be that my diet is so narrow that starving the candida is actually undermining my own physical wellbeing. I have been prone to anaemia for most of my life, and reasoned that was candida causing poor absorption. But my symptoms (been getting irregular heartbeat, too) are like anaemia (and other mineral deficencies), despite my supplements.
So Im a bit concerned about myself. I have doubled my mineral intake and laid off the anti fungals. Early days though, so I cannot say there is any improvement yet. Ive also relaxed the diet, in that Ive allowed myself tomatoes,lentil soup and some fruit in the mornings on an empty stomach (as in food combining protocol). I am hoping that by doing so I may begin to feel better, although I realize that at best my candida will stabilize, though I hope not grow. When I feel stronger I shall, of course, go in for another assault upon it.
When i very first began the candida diet it was based upon a little book by leon chatto. A few days into it I felt wonderful. Best I had felt in years. But the more stringent I have become, the more die off I have had, the more depleted I feel.
I am doing something wrong somewhere! But, I shall give myself a week or two to see if I feel any improvement in my general wellbeing with my broader diet and doubled minerals, and if not, will think again. Any ideas anyone might have would be greatfully received.
I am so exhausted it is affecting my spirits and my cognitive ability. I am finding it difficult to work (I only work 2 days a week and it seems too much for me at present).
if Im lucky this will all just be coz of a mega die off with the oregno oil, but I just don't know.
you are right about dr Jeff, of course. Unfortunately we have discovered an illness before the regular health service has fully investigated it and come up with true solutions. In years to come candida will probably be no more threatening to one's health than an ingrown toenail! Doesn't help me today, though!