Re: crates - unnatural?
While I will not dispute random acts of weirdness in cockers, (although what you mentioned, seizures, epilepsy, etc., tend to be health issues and signs of inbreeding, which is a real problem with popular purebreeds) nor that perhaps he had an adrenaline rush at the vet, he's not a "little" cocker, but at that time he was an extremely tall and was a lean 35 pound dog. I had him in a blanket on the floor at the vet, and believe it or not, he was dragging himself around with his front legs, seemingly unable to stand at all.
One more thing I wanted to clear up. I am a dog person...and while this may seem strange, dog people will understand this. There are dog beds in nearly every room of my house. So he wasn't looking for a bed, but rather was looking for a cage to call his own. Now, nearly 5 years later, as he approaches his 17th birthday, he still likes his cage....the lab stills doesn't go near it, unless she thinks he left a biscuit in there!