thanks for your reply nordskoven. you are absolutely right about this forum being invaluable! when i was too sick to post myself i would still read and learn and its helped me so much. its disgraceful how many people are getting misdiagnosed who really have lyme. i went for years thinking i didnt have lyme because id had the elisa test and it was negative. it took me a long time to find out how useless that test really is! when you think of the 3-4 weeks that Igenex spend doing the test against the 1-2 days labs spend on the elisa it also gives a clue as to the difference in sophistication in these tests. it seems like lyme is everywhere now. im irish myself (tho living in the states) so im always hearing stories of people in europe who have sent their blood to igenex in california for testing and are finally getting a diagnoses. its ridiculous that they have to send their blood that far in order to get an answer. doctors here dont realise how prevalent lyme is but doctors in europe seem to have even less of an idea that its in ireland, the uk and all over europe aswell!!