Re: blackstrap molasses VS. raw honey
Blackstrap molasses has a lot of calcium and iron and is relatively low in sugar. Good quality honey has enzymes, trace minerals, and anti-allergens. Both are good in their own way. I would suggest you use the honey in the morning and the blackstrap at night to get the advantages of both. When you are active, the simple sugars in the honey will burn off quickly, at night you can have the lower
Sugar and the calcium may help you relax.
Personally, I use sorghum. I like the taste, it makes the vinegar drink taste almost like a cider drink. Sorghum has has more minerals than the blackstrap and is not as heavily processed. Another option is evaporated cane juice. Any kind of natural sweetener will work, the
Sugar does help the body absorb the potassium in the vinegar, and the minerals are very bioavailable, unlike many of the "rock" supplements. My advice is to experiment and see what works best for you, also some variety makes things nicer.