Re: Colonic in Atlanta, GA
I contacted one of my former colon hydrotherapy instructors and asked her if she knew anyone in the Atlanta area she would recommend, and she said that although it had been some years ago, Penelope Batts in Chamblee was highly recommended. She wasn't sure if she may have retired since she last had contact with her.
I also called a colleague who practices in Florida and asked her if she could recommend someone. She doesn't know her personally, but gave me the name of Leslie Parks at 404-432-1930. She said she has a client whose mother has been to Leslie for colonics, and her client had accompanied her mother to one of her sessions and said she was very good.
Have you checked with naturopathic doctors and other alternative health care providers in your area for recommendations on a good
colonic therapist? Have you had
colonics before or will this be your first time? Personally, I prefer the closed system as opposed to open gravity flow units, but the most important thing is to locate a competent trained therapist who you feel comfortable with.
Please follow up here if you find someone you would recommend to others in the Atlanta area, as there are probably others from your area who come to this site for this type of information.
Best wishes, Valerie