take collidial silver with leaky gut? or wait till healed?
as i was having digestion issues, a chiropractor fixed my hiatial hernia and told me that due to the hiatial i had some leaky gut to heal. im doing a protocol of l-glutamine and stomach healing pills she gave me
my question is, i just recently bought some CS to take care of the parasites/candida the leaky gut caused...but should i wait?
I asked about the foot detox they do there but she said not to detox with leaky gut as it wont be as effective and to wait until some healings ensued.
her saying that explains fully while after a coffee
colonic i got indigestion 5 minutes after the
colonic on an empty stomach |(coffee cleaned the liver so lots of stuff was floating around)
(im also going to ask this on the ask curezone board and silver one so i apologize if you see this twice i'd just like a few opinions on