Fabulous Flushes!
My partner Carlos, on his fifth flush, has passed several small black duct stones (elongated shape), and a number of round stones obviously from the gallbladder, one the size of a gumball!
Huge progress after his attack of acute pancreatitis in April (they wanted to whack his gallbladder out right away--we Just Said No)... we will of course continue to flush until he is clean! It's a project!
As for me... I still have absolutely no problem with my former nemesis, "adult acne" since I flushed clean a couple years back. I continue to do maintenance flushes, three this summer then one last night at the end of 12 days of Master Cleanse, on the third day of a series of three
colonics (a lot of cleansing the last couple weeks!). An excellent flush, though around 5 this morning I was truly wondering what the heck I thought I was doing flushing so soon after a fast--I was horribly nauseated since 3, then started vomiting like crazy and passing sludge then bunches of pea soup green bile... then proceeded to pass out and sleep like the dead til 10! Woke up feeling happy but humble! Went for my
colonic at 12 and flushed all the excess residue (including lots of tiny rocks and more green gunk), winding up with... a clean pink colon!
I get a big gold star by my name, and I think Carlos deserves one too!
We send a bunch more out to all of you out there taking charge of your health and doing this incredible cleanse!
Best to all,