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Liver Flush Complete....
countrygirl_roni Views: 1,399
Published: 18 y

Liver Flush Complete....

My computer is crashing. Loud noises, probably the fan. I haven't been using it for a few days, but wanted to log on quickly to post. I was going to flush Monday, but due to a change in hubby's schedule, moved it to Tuesday. Last night went fine. This morning I decided to add the second oo/gf drink. I'm not sure if it really produced more stones, because I tend to get the most stones at the beginning and end of the "runs". I would say I got another few hundred small stones and a LOT of chaff and tiny pebbles. Didn't see anything big (as I have in the past). I felt a bit nauseous toward noon today. Also, had to drink more water to get anything out. Once I started drinking, I started going again. Not much in the way of solids, but horrid smelling, very yellow (thank you bile) liquid.

I have been ill the last 4 days (sinuses, throat, headache, earache, etc.) I'm not sure if it affected my flush, but the headache was gone this morning, back around 10am, and is almost gone again now. I think the extra fluid helped with it. I'm gong to be fasting, but I need to be sure I don't get dehydrated. I'll have to be very careful this time around...

I won't be able to read much or post much until we fix the computer; but I'm out here sticking to my plan for reaching my goals....



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