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Re: I Think I Have Found My Cure - Maybe Help You, Too?
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Re: I Think I Have Found My Cure - Maybe Help You, Too?

Hi +Energy,

Yes, I will keep you updated, for sure. Day 3 is today. So far so good - all clear. Generally, I do agree that if it is really a cure you won't need the treatment anymore. I am not sure about this case, though. The reason being, if one is deficient in B-vitamins (and in this case, B-12 specifically), it may be that life-long supps are necessary, I'm not sure. For instance, you would not think that if you had scurvey, that you could take vitamin C just for 2 days. Sure, the scurvey may be cured in those 2 days, but if you don't keep getting adequate C, it will only come back. We can get enough C in foods to avoid scurvey, but it is realy hard to get adequate B-12 from diet alone, especially if one veers toward the veggie lifestyle. One possible means of not having to continue the B-12 indefinitely would be if one had candida (or possibly other illnesses too), and thatwas draining your body of nutrients, taht once the infection cleaerd, it woudl no longer drain you of nutrients, and then maybe you would not need to supplement anymore. I will have to see if that is true for me, as I am nearly over candida now.

In addition to the peeling, cracking and burning, I did also have dryness and some itchiness - just forgot to mention it. But, no, no weeping, altho I don't know if it wou,d have come to that since it was getting worse just before I found the B-12. But, yes, we are probably all different. That is true on the other forums I visit, so it is easy for me to understand that may be true here as well.

The dif. between B-50 and B-12 is this. B-50 is the formulaiton of several B vitamins, including B-6, B-2, B-12, etc. They are in the formulation at 50 mg. each., except for the B-12 which is in the formula at 50mcgs. They are good for covering all your basic B needs. However, sublingual B-12 is just the B-12 component. It comes in much higher doses as a stand-alone vitamin. It is nearly impossible to get adequate absorbable amounts if one does not eat red meat. I do eat red meat, and I still became deficient. Basically, you just place (they are tiny) one or 2 under your tongue and allow to dissolve. That is the best absorption method, unless you want to mess with B-12 injections.


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