Oh my God Albundy and helpme17th, we have such similiar experiences! I remember when I was young and I would drink Cocacola and afterwards I would start having pain in the left part of my lower abdomen. This pain would get so worst sometimes that walking would be difficult. Has something in Cocacola left us vulnerable to our illness now?
Yesterday, I folded tissue paper and inserted it in my %¤#&!§-. And when I removed the tissue paper many hours later it was kinda wet (maybe due to sweat) but the tissue paper did not smell at all. As a matter of fact, the tissue paper smelled quite nice becaause I had washed my anus very well, like I normally do. Yet I still had the fecal odor comments yesterday. So it's kinda hard to know exactly what organs the odor permetates through. But I think its major source is the blocked canal in the intestine, just like the guy on ITV said.
It would be interesting to know how many more people didn't use to drink water (at least, regularly) and now have fecal odor.