Re: candida back after liver flushes
I am not an expert. I have only done a few flushes. But I am being treated by a naturopathic doctor who specializes in candida. He has told me many times that
Liver Flushes are somteimes NOT appropriate when trying to get candida under control. That a person should wait till after digestion is back to normal. He says it is because the increased bile flow can kill the good bacteria. He gave me a few other reasons having to do with basically that often the liver is not a huge issue for some people and is secondary to what is going on in the rest of the body.
Well, anyhow, here is what I am starting to feel so far. I think that it is very important to understand that there is no magic bullet for everyone. It is always good to keep that in mind. So realize that your body may not need or be able to handle
Liver Flushes right now. I personally tolerate oils of any kind extremely poorly. With that in mind I have been taking stone dissolvers recommended on She says that many people only need those and don't need to do an actual flush. A few days into taking them I think I passed a small stone or two. It felt like a marble under my ribcage. I am familiar with that feeling from previous liver flushes.
What I think may be happenning to you is what happened to me when doing liver flushes. All the oil put a strain on your immune system.
Liver Flushing can make people feel very ill for a little while. So candida gets a better hold when your body is recovering from such a cleanse. I would say find every way possible to go gentler on your body. For example, dissolving stones over time rather than hitting your body so hard with a flush.
However, I am not an expert, and perhaps it is true that you will see all your symptoms dissapear after your next flush. I have only done 3 flushes in my life. I just feel that cleansing goes hand in hand with rebuilding. and rebuilding is just as complicated if not more complicated than cleansing. There are many different ways. For example, my naturopath is giving me supplements that affect my hormones because he thinks that an imbalance there has affected my digestion.
I also highly recommend cooked amaranth grain in your meals. It seems to be very easy to digest, cleanses the bowel better than psyllium and more reliably, and has the added benefit of being reasonably high in protein for a grain. It is the only food that I can use to fill up with at supper and get that hungry feeling the next morning. And that is what we are aiming for. IF we can get a really good hunger then the stomach is empty and full of acid waiting to digest the next meal. I just keep in mind that every time I am really hungry then that is one small step towards healing.
Fasting for me doesn't neccessarily accomplish that. Fasting seems to shut everything down too much. So I try to do what I think of as a hunger diet. I try to keep my stomach as hungry as possible. And if you think about it that seems like the most gentle solution to our problems. It also happens to be the exact thing that people used to do when they didn't have as many chronic health problems. They simply had less food and therefore were hungry on a daily basis. Hunger is good.