Re: MLM debatable?
Some great points made.
But lets also remember that MLM's have been around for a long time, when Sears wanted to be the best catalog company, they gave 15 catalogs to each of their customers with the understanding that if anyone ordered from them, they in return would get credit to use how they wanted. Thus MLM was born.
Every business out there operates in the form of a MLM in one way or another, the manufacturer makes a product, passes it on to a brokage house, who in turn sells it to a retail store. Everyone of them gets a cut. Same concept, different payors. It's sad however, that many of these companies don't operate ethically. Thus giving the rest a bad name.
There is a company out there that has fair pricing, great products, and great income potential. Actually their organic line of jerky is only $6.00 a bag, less if you enroll and buy it at wholesale. That's the same, if not better pricing than you could get at your store. They are on the cutting edge with new products for your health. Krill oil supplements, Cholesterol buster, all of which are priced reasonable. Sorry this ends up sounding like a commercial, but since the subject came up, I had to answer. Go to to find out more.