Oh thank you! I was so worrying that my intestinal tract was causing the break out. You see I have internal scar adhesions that have attached themselves to my intestinal tract on the pelvic floor and was thinking it's still not moving right even though it seems to be. Okay on the nose and cheeks, that makes sense if I had some serious infestations in those areas from having pets for many years that I never thought to de-worm them and would clean up their messes frequently without gloving my hands even though I used disinfectants I am sure whilst cleaning litter boxes when I had a cat and bird cages when I had birds may have infected me and I had them all these years. I do have two doggies now but I keep them pretty clean as far as de-worming them and I never clean up their room or kennel without being protected on my hands and feet.
Again, thanks for the information, it calms my worries about my intestinal tract. I am still massaging it and taking the enzymes to lyse away at the scar tissue and it does feel there is much more freedom of movement the last month. I am in the midst of opening a new retail shop and have worked long 12-14 hour days for the last 4 weeks only taking sundays off and haven't had any real pain in my lower pelvic area and hips that I normally experience. Some mild low back pain but I am sure it is from standing all those hours. lol. Almost open though, two more days! = )