Give your cat vitamin C and coconut
Dear Ocean,
Before you take your old cat to the
vet, here are a couple of suggestions to consider.
Domestic animals, like cats and dogs, do NOT produce as much vitamin
C in their livers, as wild animals.
And most pets eat terrible food that
is mostly depleted of nutrients.
So my first suggestion is that you
buy some vitamin C crystals in the
form of sodium ascorbate, and give
your kitty a spoonful or so, mixed
into her food. Lots of pets have
been brought back from the brink of
death by regular doses of vitamin C.
Your kitty won't refuse to eat it.
Her body knows instinctively that she needs it. She may well look up
at you with that quizzical cat-look
that says, "Is there any more -- I hope?"
Second, Virgin Coconut Oil is a
time-tested rejuvenator for animals.
I use Tropical Traditions Virgin
Coconut Oil. Give your old cat a
spoonful of coconut oil in her food.
Or put some on a plate in front of
her, and watch her lap it up. Animals KNOW what they need to stay
healthy. But it's up to us to give
our pets the foods they need and want.
And while you're at it, Ocean, do
yourself and your family a favor,
and treat yourselves to some vitamin
C, as well as virgin coconut oil.
I drink 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
every day, and I've been taking
mega-doses of vitamin C since 1977
(currently 14,000 mg per day), and
I'm in perfect health at 64.
Let us know if your beloved old kitty responds to the healing foods.