A single dose daily would probably be all right. However, once the system is clean, many experts say that psyllium can gradually abrade the villi in the small intestine. The the villi are essential for the proper absorption of nutrients, this should not happen. I believe in doing the initial cleanses with P&B for two weeks at a time followed by a two week break. Once you feel your system is cleansed from the lining of old mucus build up, then seasonal two week cleanses with the psyllium and Bentonite would probably be enough. Plenty of fresh fruit is a much better way to add essential fiber and gently detox the body. Try making your breakfast nothing but fresh raw fruit to continue the internal cleansing begun while you slept. Include a raw veggie salad with each meal and have fruit for your between meal snacks. This is a much healthier and safer way to keep the colon cleansed and the body detoxed.