I have had unexpected results with DMSO and Petro-Carbo Salve. When I have an OB, I pop the blisters and put DMSO on the sores. Yes, the popping hurts; yes, the putting on DMSO hurts too. After the DMSO absorbs, I put on Petro-Carbo Salve. The results are noticable within 24 hours. I have tried DMSO alone and Petro-Carbo Salve alone. Neither worked as well alone as they did in the above combination.
DMSO has been shrouded in controversy for years. It is a powerful solvent and has been proven in clinical tests to have healing properties. DMSO from health food stores can be ridiculously expensive. You can find DMSO at 99.9% purity at this website: http://www.jefferslivestock.com/ (search for DMSO and find a roll-on for under $3.00). DMSO was first widely used (for healthcare purposes, that is) on livestock.
Petro-Carbo Salve is a Walkins product, a company with which I have no profit connection. Their website is http://www.watkinsonline.com (taken from the canister of salve that I am now using).