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A theory and possible solution.
77777 Views: 3,634
Published: 19 y

A theory and possible solution.

By reading the case of 11years i came up with this idea. I think what he said about constantly removing dead skin makes sense, but for a different reason that he originally thought. So here it goes:

1) Our lips peel faster that normal because of an inmune reaction to a microbe we have there (it could be bacteria, yeast, or most probaly both).

2) The peeling area is the area of our lips that receives more blood. More blood means more food for the microbes. Thats why eating wheat and sugar immediatly makes the peeling worse. We are feeding the microbes.

2) The crusting is dead skin, and it protects the microbes. Thats the reason why putting some antimicrobial or washing our lips dont help much, because the microbe hides beneth and/or among dead skin cells.

3) When you exfoliate your lips (remove dead skin) you are actually removing some microbes too. However, if you let the dead skin build back again for another day, the remaining microbes will have enough time to reproduce and repopulate the area.

So if this is correct, what would be the solution?

To keep removing dead skin as often as possible. Dead skin is our enemy. In short, this is what im gonna try:

1) Use apple/papaya or some cream that softens the dead cells.

2) Remove dead skin with warm water and wash the lips. If possible, i would even recomend applying some antifungal/antibacterial immediatly after this.

3) Wait for 2 to 3 hours, and repeat 1) and 2).

By doing that for 1 to 2 days, we should see some improvement. As an extra help, me might consider taking a lot of calcium during the treatment. Any extra help is welcome.

Im gonna try this next week, if someone wants to try it with me.


As a reference, check out this cases. In both, the patient kept washing the lips with warm water. Maybe we need a little more than warm water though.

And of course, check out all 11years messages.




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