Stones and laboratory analysis
I do not want to sound too skeptical or rude but mine is just a simple doubt:
I did
Liver Flush last weekend for the first time and it all proceeded as it should have.
I ejected a few hundreds stones of very different sizes. From very tiny to as big as a nut. They were all yellow outside and oily/greenish inside, kind of greasy material.
I have no prejudice against alternative medicine, but one question came spontaneously to my mind:
since the only material present in my digestive system at the time of the flush was olive oil and grapefruit juice, couldn't the stones be just a result of the digestive process of that big quantity of olive oil I ingested together with juice?
I send my stones to the lab to be analyzed because they "looked" too much of the same color and consistence of olive oil.
I will post the results...
Has anybody had their stones analyzed?