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Re: I am really confused

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: I am really confused

Everywhere you go, you will finds thousands of different conflicting theories about what is good for the body, and what we should do to help heal it. The only thing you can really do is decide for yourself whether the theory seems plausible and then try it out. People can say all they want, but based on your own results, you will know if its good for you or not.

That being said, I personally dont agree with much of what Patenaude says. He's in the mind set that one diet or one therapy works for all. Which is entirely unture based on my experience. He tells you that the best diet is a low fat raw diet. Well, I can tell you from my own experience and the experience of my mother, we do absolutely horrible on a low fat raw diet like he suggests. If we do not have adequate fats with our raw diet, or any diet we eat, we will have trouble sleeping and develop all kinds of problems.

If we add a good amount of fat, we sleep well and feel very good.

So you can see, thats its very important to try things out for yourself and find out what works for you, instead of relying on someone elses opinion.

I also think that the ayurveda dosha types play into this a lot. I have realized that people who promote the low fat, no bitter greens or spicy foods, natural hygiene diet, are kapha types. For a kapha dosha, this is the perfect diet for them.

But for other types, such as the vata(my mother and I)this diet leaves us feeling very imbalanced. We feel best eating lots of fat, and spicy foods do not bother us, though we dont do well with bitter greens like most vatas.

Whats one mans food is another mans poison. For some body types, spicy foods imbalance them(like the kaphas who usually do best on natural hygeine)and for others, spicy foods are very balancing and the stimulation is good for them.

If you'd like to know more about the different doshas and what foods are best for them, I would reccomend Conscious Eating, by Gabriel Cousens. The book goes into great detail about the different diets and which onces are usually most balancing for which type. It also explains why some things work great for some people and dont for others. It is one of the best books Ive ever read on nutrition, the raw diet, and the ayurvedic doshas.

One last thing I'd like to point out, Dr. Schulze has used large doses of cayenne for years on thousands of patients and says he has only found good benefits. Now that really says something. You really cant deny that for some people, cayenne has wonderful healing benefits, even if it doesnt for everyone.

I hope your not as confused now. I would suggest you try it out and see for yourself!

Good luck!


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